
Virtual #3 | Silicon Drinkabout Sofia 22.May.2020

Join the third online Silicon Drinkabout Sofia event

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Event Details


Welcome to our second Silicon Drinkabout Sofia online event.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, we are keeping up our good spirits and we invite you to the first of its kind online meetup.

Let's spend some quality time together and have a beer or two online! 🙂

Get your free tickets and RSVP to help us organize this properly.


May 22, 2020 to May 22, 2020
19:00 to 21:00


Please contact the organizer for more information

Sofia, Bulgaria
Silicon Drinkabout Sofia

Each city is run by passionate volunteers, fuelled by their love of bringing people together to create meaningful, face to face relationships that go beyond just a professional network. The Silicon Drinkabout community has been described as a support network, a place to have open conversations and best of all, as a family. Everyone is welcome; just come and say hello.
